A global leader and a dreaming photographer, Alessandra Pavolini was named Chief Marketing Officer in January 2013. In this senior executive role she leads all GE's efforts to create, shape and capture growth globally. She operates across numerous industrial sectors, with the objective of establishing an innovative culture to design new products and commercial offerings delivering measurable outcome. Getting to know and understanding global customers has been a key lever in achieving commercial growth. These markets generate over half of the company revenues, and have doubled over six years. As a leader, she brings extensive experience built across industries and knowledge of key players in most sectors from B2B to B2C.

Alessandra has been a member of the GE Corporate Audit Staff since 1992. She is a founder and member of Women in the Boardroom and an Executive member of the GE Women Network. She also holds a seat in the selective Executive Commercial Council, with the aim of anticipating market trends and needs for the company.

She built a brand that is uniquely positioned at the intersection of operational outcome and innovation.

It is a success story both globally and within individual sectors. Her teams remain passionate about the experience and often follow her in new roles.

She travels extensively. Her home and husband are in Italy but the children branches are now in Boston and London.

@alessandrapavolini on Instagram
Gemini-curious pilgrim towards sustainable change.